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František Burian (September 17, 1881 - October 15, 1965) and the beginning of plastic surgery in Czechoslovakia

Publikace na Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, 1. lékařská fakulta |

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In the Czech Republic, plastic surgery is inseparably related to the name of its initiator and founder, František (Francis) Burian, who not only laid the foundations of this branch in Czechoslovakia, but also influenced many contemporary plastic surgeons. Burian spent 6 years as a military surgeon in the Balkan wars and in World War I.

Up until World War I, only separate plastic operations by excellent surgeons were mentioned. The experience gained from the First World War led to an undreamed-of development in plastic surgery and to the need for specialisation.

It was during the First World War that European plastic surgery was formed as a special branch. Burian probably opened the first department of plastic surgery in the world at the Jedlička Institute in 1927.

In 1932, after operating for 5 years, the department of plastic surgery at the Jedlička Institute was granted the status of a separate clinic.