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The Kingdom of God and the Church as communion. The question of the identity of the Church

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The identity of the Church is based in its theological dimension of the reality of God's kingdom, which thus becomes necessary clearway understanding of the church. This church is fundamentally linked to the history of the people of the Old Testament (M.

Knapp). Methodically, it is possible breadth and diversity of the grasp of this fact within the sapiental access (W.

Kasper) to analyze the Church theologically conceived as a communio, which has a complex character, a polar perceived reality (visible / invisible, divine / human) (H . de Lubac). The whole Church is to be understood as hierarcheia, ie orderliness seemingly disparate elements (Dionysus the Areopagite).

On this intellectual background, it is possible to imagine the Church as communio (J. Ratzinger, W.

Kasper), which is so very real nation that has its inner structure, history, mission and effectiveness.