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Free Creating: An Example of Liturgical Life of Russian Diaspora in France

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


This paper examines the quetsion, whether the freedom together with creativity can be an impulse for changes in liturgical life. The question was actual in the life of Russian Orthodox diaspora in France after 1917 revolution.

Russian religious philosophers of that time in diaspora Nikolai Berdavyev and Boris Vysheslavcev can provide us, in spite of their non-ecclesiological approach, theoretical platform for the answer concerning the role of freedom and creativity the liturgical life of the church. Their theoretical non-eclessial presupposition where emphasis is put more on freedom and mercy than being and law, can be found realized within the borders of the Orthodox church of that time.

First example is an innovative work of iconpainter Julia Reitlinger who brings new orthodox icon-painting style and vivifies liturgical space together with prayer life, second example is mother Maria Skobstova who transposes sacramental life from the space of church into the world and humans and lastly father Lev Gillet, who creatively links West and East liturgical lives.