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Bohemian towns and their administration during the Thirty Years´ War

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The book is focused on the influence of confessional and political struggles of the first half of 17th century on the practice of the administration of Bohemian towns. The book consists of two main parts.

The first of them deals with the royal towns as one of the estates of the land. Royal towns presented relatively precisely defined part of the Bohemian urban net, which was subordinated to the central administration offices (vice-chamberlain, royal chamber).

Second part of the book includes a microhistoriography-oriented sketch of the administration practice in three towns of different kind situated in the Middle Elbe Region: a) Nymburk as a royal town; Brandýs nad Labem as special kind suzerain´s town, belonging to the complex of royal estates and serving as an administrative centre and casual royal residence; c) Čelákovice as an agricultural small-town. The aim of this part of text is to present the basic comparison of their municipal administrative bodies (municipal council, city elders, scriveners etc.) and their practice.

The supplement includes lists of persons taking part in the administrative of royal towns in 1624-1636 and other background data. The supplement is published as electronical document on the web pages of Karolinum Publishing House.