The aim of this paper is presentation of the issue of implicit and explicit learning in the process of sport training. Even though foreign authors in kinanthropology have dealt with this issue since 1990, in the Czech studies on sport training we found only one note on implicit learning (Rychtecký, 2006).
This term is also mentioned by Psotta et al. (2011) in the context of learning of skills in football performance and by some medical doctors who study memory (Klenerová & Hynie, 2010; Koukolík, 2008; Rusina, 2004). Because a whole account of detailed introduction of the above-mentioned kind of learning is missing, we tried to give an account of it based on foreign literature, especially Masters (1992), Masters et al. (2004), Maxwell (2008), Maxwell et al. (2000, 2001), Poolton et al. (2007) and others who published extensive studies in this area.
At the end we suggested possibilities of application of implicit learning into sport preparation of children and based on the given information we tried to summarize advantages and disadvantages of explicit and implicit learning.