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Neo-Eurasianism: strategic conception of Russia, among History and Geopolitics

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Social Sciences |


The main point of this paper is to allude to conceptions of Russia that could be considered as basis to politics, regarding specifically Geopolitics and Foreign Policy. Nikolai Karamzin and the defense of a strong government for Russia; Petr Chaadaev and the necessity of country’s westernization; Nikolai Danilevsky and the political pan-Slavic project; Eurasianism and Russia as a “specific geographic World”, will be conceptions of Russia within History that shall be analyzed.

Afterwards, the transition from History to Geopolitics will be accomplished through discussion of Neo-Eurasianism. Aleksandr Dugin defends the role of spiritual sphere in foreign policy and a way of life distinct from Western ideas.

At this point, it could be mentioned the anti-Atlanticist geopolitical revolution. But, at the end, does Russia have any role in such process of creation of a multi-polar World? Which strategic conception of Russia corresponds currently to such task?