The present monograph discusses basic problems of international labor migration. Since the end of the Cold War, these problems directly affect also the Czech Republic.
The issue of international labor migration is recognised as the palette consisting of various „views and insights“: economic-political, social,demographic, safety, socio-psychological, theological and philosophical. The contents of the monograph is divided into four chapters.
The first chapter examines the impact of the international labour migration on economic development. The second chapter deals with the issue of Ukraine as a sourse and tranzit country in terms of international migration flows.
The third chapter focuses on the Czech republic as a new immigration country. The fourth chapter examines the impact of international migration on the destiny of various civilizations.
The monograph also contains three appendices: monitoring of social preferences of Ukraine citizens in the early years of the independence of their country; expert questionnare regarding the protection of Ukrainian state border and a separate study on the spiritual currents of Russian emigration in the period of First Republic. This study uses archived materials.