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Headteacher as the initiator of teachers' development

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Headmaster of the school is an essential factor in the process of further education and the development of the teachers. In the context of the forthcoming extension of the career system will also be the headmaster to assess the eligibility of novice teachers for the performance of the teaching profession and on the basis of that feedback to enable them to move to the next career level.

In addition, it appears that the training directly at the workplace, and the concept of the school as a learning organization is more effective than teachers for educational programs taking place outside the school. The aim of the paper is charting the initiatives of headmasters in the area of development of teachers in the schools.

The objectives will be achieved on the basis of the theoretical definition of the term staff training and development, and qualitative research surveys-interview-three headmasters of elementary schools. The interview is focused on the specific methods for the development of teachers at the workplace and evaluate their effectiveness.

The output of the research inquiry is an assessment of the role of the headmaster as the initiator of development of teachers.