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Application of portable Raman instruments for fast and non-destructive detection of minerals on outcrops

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Raman spectral signatures have been obtained in situ for a series of minerals using portable Raman instruments. Cerussite, anglesite, wulfenite, titanite, calcite, tremolite, andradite and quartz were detected using portable Raman spectrometer First Defender XL (Ahura).

Baryte, almandine and realgar Raman spectra obtained by this instrument in the field were compared to the data measured by the other mobile Raman instrument Inspector Raman (DeltaNu). Bench Raman dispersive microspectrometer (InVia Reflex, Renishaw) was used for comparative purposes.

All spectra were obtained using a 785 nm diode excitation. Miniaturised Raman instrument combined with LIBS will be included in the payload of the EXO Mars mission and would open interesting research possibilities in other in situ field planetary studies.