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40Ar-39Ar laser dating of tektites from the Cheb Basin (Czech Republic): Evidence for coevality with moldavites and influence of the dating standard on the age of the Ries impact

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Laser total fusion analysis of milligram to sub-milligram splits of five tektite samples from the Cheb area yielded mostly concordant intrasample Ar-Ar ages of 14.66-14.75 that overlap within errors. These ages match those obtained for samples from western Moravia (14.66 Ma) and southern Bohemia (14.68 Ma), supporting the genetic link between Cheb Basin tektites and moldavites.

Laser step-heating experiments were in line with total fusion analyses and yielded well-defined plateau ages of 14.64-14.71 Ma. Based on our data we infer that the age of moldavites is 14.68 Ma.