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Analysis and assessment of landscape structural changes utilised agricultural landscape bearing traces of historical landscape architectural modifications in area Nové Dvory - Kačina (1843-2007)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The main purpose of the study was the analysis and assessment of landscape structural changes in cadastral areas of Nové Dvory, Svatý Mikuláš, Jakub nad Rohozec. These sites represent intensively utilised agricultural landscape bearing traces of historical landscape architectural modifications.

Stable Cadastre maps from 1843 and aerial photographs verified by the field control from 2007 were among the materials used as a source of data. The method applied was found as a relevant procedure to analyse land use change dynamics.

However, topographic inaccuracy, and compatibility of the land use types interpreted from old maps, and aerial photographs stand for the main questionable issues that should be addressed in the ongoing research.