An artificial outcrop of Middle Miocene sediments at Kralice nad Oslavou has been studied in detail, all fragments retrieved from the bulk samples were evaluated and described. The most common fossils were bryozoans, foraminifers and echinoderms, but molluscs also occured.
The faunal content indicates a shallow-marine environment with normal marine salinity and high oxygen levels. Increased volcanic activity in the hinterland was documented by volcano-detritic material in the sediment.
Neotypes of bryozoans An artificial outcrop of Middle Miocene sediments at Kralice nad Oslavou has been studied in detail, all fragments retrieved from the bulk samples were evaluated and described. The most common fossils were bryozoans, foraminifers and echinoderms, but molluscs also occured.
The faunal content indicates a shallow-marine environment with normal marine salinity and high oxygen levels. Increased volcanic activity in the hinterland was documented by volcano-detritic material in the sediment.