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The desmids of the Swamp Nature Reserve (North Bohemia, Czech Republic) and a small neighbouring bog: species composition and ecological condition of both sites

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The present study is a summary of recent findings concerning the desmid flora of the Swamp Nature Reserve and a small neighbouring bog. A total of 203 desmid taxa belonging to 22 genera were found, including 39 taxa that are considered very rare in the Czech Republic.

Of this number, 46 taxa were found in the Swamp and 203 taxa in the neighbouring bog. The ecological condition of both localities was assessed on the basis of the species composition of the desmid communities encountered.

The results indicate that the present overall ecological situation of the Swamp is favourable for the development of a characteristic, acidophilous desmid community. They also document quite an exceptional natural value of the second site studied, fully justifying its recent designation as part of the Swamp Nature Reserve.

The results presented here may also be used in the future as a basis for comparative ecological studies tracing the development of both these sites.