Synaesthesia (Sutton, 2001), a term used in anthropology of food for the capacities of food to evoke the past in its sensual totality,finds its use in the situation of migration. The aim of the study is to show on the migrants from former Czecholovakia to Israel after 1945 how the food associated with the country origin might be used for evocation of past home.
Taste and eating habits as a part of habitus, mundane taken-for-granted world, yet embodied part of beliefs and cultural norms,are resistant to suspicion that our perception of it might be subject to our interpretation and can play an active role as confirmation of our beliefs about self and Others, and cosequently as the legitimation of action. Moreover, contextuality of food and eating habits (Appadurai, 1988)allows to place cultural difference in the private contexts and does not interpede the proces of integration into the host society and serves as an ideal material to pass on the cultural difference over the generations.