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Temporality and Authenticity in Sein und Zeit. Some Problems of Heidegger?s Concept and Their Analagies in Augustine

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


In its undetermined emptiness of ?Vorlaufen zum Tode?, the authentic temporality as conceived by M. Heidegger seems to come close to Augustine?s extensio towards the eschatological future as far as this extensio also implies a desire to get rid of the distraction in the things of the world.

Similarly as in Augustine, Heidegger?s unauthentic temporality as an involvement in these things enables to measure time and to understand it as the time of the passing things. By both authors the unauthentic temporality seems to be moralized as a ?Verfallen? or a distraction.

In my re-interpretation, the three moments of time as found in both authors (the authentic and unauthentic temporality of ?Dasein? and the ?world time?) obtain a new meaning based on another valuation of ?Dasein? as ?Mitsein? and ?In-der-Welt-Sein? and on the attempt of a non-moral understanding of the authentic and especially the unauthentic temporality.