The database is built with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic thanks to the cooperation of specialised research libraries. The ground of the database was created in the Geographical Library of the Faculty of Science.
There are currently 16 libraries working on the project. Except the imports, the formation of the database is proceeding with original cataloguing of monographs, periodicals, cartographic documents, Master’s theses, electronic documents and particularly of 39 titles of profile departmental periodicals.
The file of selected titles also contained a product Moravian Geographical Reports (MGR)issued since 1993. The total of 130,000 bibliographic records in the database (2010) can be searched in simple or combined searching, through browsing the indexes or with help of command language.
Considering high database attendance, the readership could rise the interest in the title, merchantability and finally the citations of the authors publishing.