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The effect of oral administration of salbutamol on the glycoconjugate composition in goblet cells of the tracheal epithelium in rabbits

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Verified the influence of salbutamol on changes of glycoconjugates contained in tracheal goblet cells in rabbits by the oral administration of Ventolin (TM) syrup in the dose of 5 mi. Material for both conventional and lectin histochemistry was collected 15 and 30 minutes post exposure.

Gradual decrease of percentage of goblet cells containing acid sialylated glycoconjugates was observed 15 minutes after administration. Thirty minutes after administration, neutral glycoconjugates-containing goblet cells were absent.

The proportion of goblet cells containing acid sialylated glycoconjugates reached 50% of the value in control animals. Compared with controls, the changes of the character of the glycoconjugate content in the tracheal goblet cells due to the oral administration of Ventolin (TM) syrup were statistically significant (alpha less than or equal to 0.01).