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Surgical Treatment in Patients with Infantile Cerebral Palsy and Motor Development

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Indication for surgery in patients with infantile cerebral palsy depends in addition to the orthopaedic finding on other aspects. One of the important factors, which must be accepted, is the law of motor development, which ensues from the controlling processes of the CNS (3, 4).

In this context we divide the children into locomotion stages and assess the retardation quotient. The latter is the ratio between developmental and calendar age.

This enables us to assess the locomotion prognosis and to control the motor development in patients with infantile cerebral palsy. Another orientational element, which follows up the motor development, is examination of the ability of locomotor differentiation and primitive reflexology.

Assessment of the motor level is projected into selection of the age suitable for surgery, selection of the type of operation in relation to its purpose, assessment of postoperative rehabilitation procedures, and it makes better prediction of the motor consequences of the surgical operation possible.