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Catheter therapy in patients with stable angina pectoris. Results of 662 coronary angioplasties

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Second Faculty of Medicine |


Coronary angioplasty supplemented by implantation of a stent has become a standard therapeutic method in patients with stable angina pectoris. The authors analyzed the spectrum of patients indicated for this treatment, its successfulness and complications of catheterizations.

In the course of a two-year period the authors implemented 662 catheterizations in 602 patients with stable angina. 58% patients indicated for coronary angioplasty on account of stable angina had a history of myocardial Q infarction, 93% had angina grade II or III according to CCS. Affection of one artery was diagnosed in 56% patients, complete revascularization was achieved in 59% of the operations.

The clinical rate of success of catheterization was 97% in stenoses of the coronary arteries and 61% in coronary occlusions. In 57% of the treated lesions a coronary stent was implanted.

Serious clinical complications developed in 1% of the interventions, none of the patients died. Catheterization treatment of stable angina is very successful and safe.