Intensive search into the presence of endogenous digitalis-like factor (EDLF) started shortly after identification of the alpha subunit of the Na,K,-ATPase as being receptor for digitalis glycosides. After years of skepticism, present data testify EDLF really exists.
Most probably, the EDLF has chemical structure of either ouabain or of one of its isomers. It is secreted by the adrenal cortex, and, under conditions of stress, it's secretion is regulated differently from the secretion of both gluco- and mineralocorticoids.
The physiological role of the EDLF has not been fully understood yet. In the newborn's kidneys, the inhibition of the Na,K-ATPase may assist to increase elimination of surplus sodum from the organism.
In individuals of any age, the inhibitory influence of EDLF upon Na,K-ATPase in the arterial wall smooth muscle cells increases peripheral vascular resistance and thus, blood pressure. In the tissue culture, direct positive inotropic influences of EDLF upon rat cardiomyocytes was observed.
However, the importance of positive inotropic effect of the EDLF upon the heart in clinical medicine remains to be elucidated.