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Comparison of two different methods for CD34+ selection and T cell depletion in peripheral blood stem cell grafts - Our experiences with CellPro, E rosetting and CliniMACS technique

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


The aim of this study was to establish a suitable method for in vitro T cell depletion in peripheral blood stem cell grafts for mismatched/haploidentical transplantation in children and adults with severe hematological disorders and for autologous transplantation in patients with autoimmune diseases refractory to conventional immunosuppressive treatment. Two different selection techniques have been used: CD34+ selection using immunoaffinity columns (CellPro Ceprate) followed by T cell depletion by E-rosetting or CD34+ selection using submicroscopic paramagnetic beads (CliniMACS device) with T cell depletion in a one step procedure.

The mean purity and recovery of CD34+ cells and efficiency of T cell removal in the final product were compared. From March 1995 to December 1998 we prepared twelve allografts using Cell Pro system for eight children with high-risk hematological malignancies and six autografts for six patients with severe autoimmune diseases.

From January 1999 to October 2000 we prepared fifteen allografts using CliniMACS system for ten children with high-risk hematological diseases and inborn metabolic disorders or primary immunodeficiences, five allografts for three adult patients with high-risk hematological malignancies and two autografts for two patients with autoimmune diseases. In allogeneic transplantation the median purity of CD34+ cells in the final products after CellPro and E-rosetting was 85.6% (55.3%-95.7%); median recovery was 24.8% (17%-35%), median transplanted doses of T cells per kilogram of body weight were 0.66x10(4) (0-2.8); in autologous transplantation the median purity of CD34+ was 92.6% (55.6%-96%), median recovery was 28% (22%-46.2%), median transplanted doses of T cells per kilogram of body weight were 0.39x10(4) (0.0-3.6).

After CliniMACS technique the median purity of CD34+ cells was 94.87% (69.15%-99%),medianrecoverywas 58% (30%-79.6%), median transplanted doses of T cells per kg of body weight were 0.254x10(4) (0-14.15); in autologous transplantation the median purity of CD34+ was 94% (94%-94%, median recovery was 97.4% (95%-99.8%), median transplanted doses of T cells per kilogram of body weight were 0.87x10(4) (0.49-1.24). We consider both methods of CD34+ selection and T cell depletion suitable for peripheral blood stem cell processing before mismatched hemopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients without identical donor or before autologous transplantation for severe autoimmune diseases.

However, magnetic separation using CliniMACS system results in higher levels of purity and recovery with efficient T cell depletion.