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Urineanalysis and diagnostic imaging in renal injuries

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The authors evaluate the urinary sediment investigation in correlation with the severity of kidney involvement and the importance of individual imaging methods in a joint group of patients with kidney trauma from two university hospitals - faculty hospitals Praha-Vinohrady and Olomouc. The results suggest that hematuria represents an important part of the diagnosis, but it cannot be directly correlated with the grade of kidney involvement and additional investigations, which view renal parenchyma and its surroundings have to be added in all cases.

The diagnostic scheme is divided mainly between CT and ultrasound investigation (US). CT is the option in kidney trauma grade III or higher and when an associated trauma is suspected.

Ultrasound investigation has sufficient quality of imaging and documentation facilities for isolated injuries of lower grades, which comprise approximately 85% of kidney injuries and for follow-up of the injured kidney