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Tracheal stenosis complicated with tracheoesophageal fistula

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the results of surgical treatment in patients with simultaneous occurrence of postintubation tracheal stenosis (TS) and tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF). In the group of 51 patients with postcannulation tracheal stenosis who underwent segmental resection, TEF was identified simultaneously in five (10%) of them.

The mean age of the TS-TEF patients was 43 years (range 35-60 years). The patients underwent a single-stage operation during which TEF was sealed and resection of the stenotic tracheal segment was performed.

The cause of TEF and of TS was artificial pulmonary ventilation by tracheostomy tube (n=4) or by endotracheal tube (n=1) with a simultaneous insertion of nasogastric tube. In one of the patients with tracheostomy the fistula resulted from an injury to the pars membranacea tracheae and the esophageal wall during tracheostomy.

All the patients were respiring spontaneously before the surgical treatment. The mean length of the fistula was 24.0 mm (range 15-30 mm), the fistulae were located at the junction of the upper and middle third of the trachea.

The mean length of the resected tracheal segment was 29.6 mm (range 26-32 mm). Postoperative complications were not observed in the group of the TS-TEF patients, none of them died.

The method of choice of the surgical treatment of TEF associated with TS is a single-stage procedure in the patient who respires spontaneously.