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The malignant melanoma metastasis into the stomach corpus

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Our case-review studies an unusual case of occult bleeding from the cephalad portion of the digestive tube, caused by a metastasis of the malignant melanoma in the gastric corpus. The worldwide rates of patients with confirmed metastatic affections of the abdominal cavity, reaches only 2%.

On the contrary, in 60% patients who died in consequence with malignant melanoma generalization, sections revealed metastases to the gastrointestinal tract. Unspecific symptoms, most frequently general weakness, tiredness, unspecific pains, anaemia and sometimes difficult decision-making, are among the suspected causes of poor diagnostic outcomes.

Our case-review and collected literature data have confirmed positive effects of surgery on condition of patients with metastatic affections of the gastrointestinal tract.