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Chronic post-mastectomy pain

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


Background: surgery results in chronic pain in 7-80 percent. One of the most studied is chronic post-mastectomy pain.

The prevalence was 40-50 percent in studies performed abroad. As this problem has not yet been studied in the Czech Republic, a retrospective prevalence study was performed to asses the extent of the problem and risk factors for development of chronic post mastectomy pain.

Methods and results: after ethic committee approval an anonymous questionnaire was developed and distributed in various oncology department and patients'organisations. Response rate was 100 percent, 330 questionnaires were processed.

Chronic post-mastectomy pain (lasting longer than 3 months after surgery) was described by 69 (20.9 per cent) women. The pain was permanent in 17 and transient in 46 cases, not specified in 6 cases.

The pain intensity was predominantly mild or moderate. Risk factors were younger age (below 55 - 60 years, p=0.0098), less extensive surgery (tumourectomy vs. mastectomy, p=0.0017), intensive post operative pain (p=0.0002) and radiotherapy (p=0.0174).

Trend in chemotherapy (p=0.0778) was observed. Conclusion: the prevalence of chronic post-mastectomy pain was lower in our study comparing to studies in other countries.

The reason remains obscure in spite of detailed analysis.