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Independent component analysis of the EEG signal and its application in patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder

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We demonstrate the potential diagnostic and therapeutic use of electrical brain activity information decomposed via independent component analysis (ICA) in an obsessive-compulsive patient. The resting EEG was analyzed by sLORETA (standardized low-resolution electromagnetic tomography) and by the ICA using the Independent Component Neurofeedback software (ICoN, Nova Tech EEG, Inc).

The sLORETA normative database comparison (Nova Tech EEG, Inc) revealed elevated absolute power in the theta band, especially in the anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal gyrus whose involvement in OCD pathophysiology has been repeatedly reported. Abnormal theta waves were also detectable by visual EEG inspection.

The ICA identified their main source, localized in the affective part of the anterior cingulate and in the medial orbitofrontal cortex. With respect to our findings we hypothesize that neurofeedback aimed at decreasing theta activity of this source might lead to the normalization of dysfunctional neural network and thus improve clinical symptoms.