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Can the New CT-Based Classification of Acetabular Fractures Be Useful for Clinical Practice?

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Currently, conventional diagnosis of acetabular fractures is often supplemented and even replaced by CT examination, as this can provide a more detailed image of the extent of fracture and its morphology. Supported by developmental anatomy, Harris et al. proposed a new classification for acetabular fractures in which the pubic bone component of the acetabulum is shown to coincide with the anterior column of the acetabulum.

There is no need to abandon the generally accepted and much used Letournel-Judet classification, but changes in the algorithm of acetabular fracture examination will certainly require that the CT classification of acetabular fractures is included. The Harris classification, based on evaluation of simple and unambiguous axial CT scans, is readily understood by both radiologists and orthopedic trauma surgeons and thus the use of it will foster greater interdisciplinary cooperation resulting in a better care for patients with acetabular fractures.