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Pelvic fractures: Role of imaging methods in the diagnosis of isolated pelvic fractures and multi-trauma

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


The authors evaluate the role of imaging methods used in the diagnostics of pelvic fractures with the aim to suggest the most effective way of their use. The exact diagnosis of an injury is achieved most quickly if, in hemodynamically stable patients, CT scan is the initial examination and, based on the findings, conservative, invasive (laparotomy) or miniinvasive (angiography with bleeding artery embolization) procedures are used.

In hemodynamically unstable patients, the diagnostic procedure always begins with plain X-ray and FAST (ultrasound) examination of the pelvis. When large hemoperitoneum is diagnosed, laparotomy is indicated.

When only a small amount of hemoperitoneum is detected, a primary, minimally invasive procedure (angiography with bleeding artery embolization) can be carried out by an experienced interventional radiologist. If this fails to result in stabilization of the circulation, laparotomy should follow.