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Determination of dialysis dose: a clinical comparison of methods

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Guidelines recommend regular measurements of the delivered hemodialysis dose Kt/V. Nowadays, automatic non-invasive online measurements are available as alternatives to the conventional method with blood sampling, laboratory analysis, and calculation.

In a prospective clinical trial, three different methods determining dialysis dose were simultaneously applied: Kt/V(Dau) (conventional method with Daugirdas' formula), Kt/V(OCM) [online clearance measurement (OCM) with urea distribution volume V based on anthropometric estimate], and Kt/V(BCM) [OCM measurement with V measured by bioimpedance analysis (Body Composition Monitor)]. Conclusions: The automated OCM Kt/V(OCM) with anthropometric estimation of urea distribution volume was the easiest method to use, but Kt/V(BCM) with measured urea distribution volume was closer to the conventional method