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Spondylodiscitis in children: A retrospective series

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


We retrospectively reviewed the records of 16 children treated for spondylodiscitis at our hospital between 2000 and 2007. The mean follow-up was 24 months (12 to 38).

There was a mean delay in diagnosis in hospital of 25 days in the ten children aged less than 24 months. At presentation only five of the 16 children presented with localising signs and symptoms.

Common presenting symptoms were a refusal to walk or sit in nine children, unexplained fever in six, irritability in five, and limping in four. Plain radiography showed changes in only seven children.

The ESR was the most useful investigation when following the clinical course of the disease. Positive blood cultures were obtained in seven children with Staphylococcus aureus being isolated in five.

Antibiotics were used in 14 children and spinal bracing in six. Children with spondylodiscitis often present with a confusing clinical picture leading to late diagnosis.