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Photodynamic antiseptic effect of photoactive nanofibers in the treatment of leg ulcers

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Nanofiber textiles doped with 5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) photosensitizer prepared by electrospinning from highly hydrophilic polyurethane Tecophilic TM were characterized with microscopic methods and time-resolved spectroscopy. Com plete inhibition of bacterial growth of the three tested bacterial strains on the surface of nanofiber textiles with encapsulated TPP was observed on illuminated samples in vitro.

The antibacterial effect is based on photogeneration of cytotoxic singlet oxygen O2 (1delta g) upon illumination by visible light. The antibacterial activity was also clinically tested in 162 patients with chronic leg ulcers.

The application of illuminated doped nanofiber textiles yielded to a 35% decrease in wound size as assessed with computer aided wound tracing. The wound related pain estimated by the visual analogue scale declined by 71%.

This methodology seems to be an effective alternative to topical antibiotics and antiseptics in chronic wounds and shows broad spectrum of application in medicine, particularly in dermatology, burn units and surgery