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Scintigraphy and diabetic cardiomyopathy

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Introduction: Scintigraphy is an optimal method for molecular imaging; therefore, it is useful for evaluation of patients with metabolic disorders. Diabetic cardiomyopathy is a heart failure without evidence of coronary atherosclerosis, hypertension or valvular disease.

The cause is still not fully clarified; most probably it is multifactorial and involves metabolic changes including insulin resistance, microcirculation disorder including endothelial dysfunction, autonomic neuropathy and interstitial fibrosis. Material and methods: Scintigraphy makes possible to assess many pathophysiological processes that can participate in the progression of diabetic cardiomyopathy.

Glucose, fatty acids and acetate can be used as substrates mainly in basal experiments. Scintigraphy can also be used to detect impairment of microcirculation with subsequent decrease of myocardial perfusion mainly in clinical practice.

Labeled metabolic analogues of norepinephrine or direct labeling of catecholamines can be used for assessment of autonomous neuropathy.