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Differentiated gene expression in cells within yeast colonies

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Isolation of genes with variable expression during colony development.

Yeast cells growing on solid media organize themselves into multicellular structures, colonies, exhibiting patterns specific for particular yeast strains. With the aim of identifying genes involved in regulations of the colony formation, we applied a new approach enabling the extensive screening of Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes, the expression of which is changed during colony development. We used the library of S. cerevisiae DNA fragments inserted in front of the lacZ gene lacking its own promoter. Colonies of transformants with a blue/white patterned morphotype, implying that the expression of the lacZ gene from the inserted yeast promoter is switched on and off during the colony formation, were isolated. We identified several genes with variable expression during colony morphogenesis, including CCR4, PAM1, MEP3, ADE5,7 and CAT2. S. cerevisiae strain deleted in the CCR4 gene forms colonies with less organized morphology when compared with the isogenic parental strain. The synchronization of the expression patterns of some of the isolated genes in neighboring colonies was observed.