Impairment of the vascular endothelium and its functions is a common sign of several serious diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension, vascular spasms, thromboses) and is the initial stage of vascular affection in diabetes mellitus. The endothelium plays an important role in the transformation of some substances with a cardiovascular action and it secretes itself vasoactive substances.
Vascular affections in diabetes are characterized by impaired homeostasis of vasoactive substances of endothelial origin--raised levels of vasoconstrictor factors (endothelins, thromboxanes) and reduction of vasodilatating factors (prostacyclin, EDRF--endothelin derived relaxing factor) as well as disorders of their interrelations. Vasoactive agents lead at the same time also to alteration of the growth and proliferation potential of smooth muscle cells of the vascular wall and thus to remodelling of the vascular structure in diabetes.
At present possible ways how to influence these processes in a favourable way are intensely studied and discussed.