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An indirect method for absorption rate estimation: Flurothyl-induced seizures

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


This paper develops a method to estimate a minimal amount of flurothyl necessary to induce the seizures (the seizure threshold). A simple mathematical model is proposed which permits one to determine the drug absorption rate from the amount which has been administered and from the measured latency to onset of seizure.

Experimental animal (rats) were exposed to a continuous intake of flurothyl in two different situations: either being alone in the airtight chamber or sharing it in a pair. In the latter case, we assume that the two rats uniformly share the infused drug.

Our calculations estimate that approximately 20 μl of flurothyl is necessary to induce twitches, whereas 25 μl of flurothyl is the dose required for the induction of clonic seizures. The model can be used to estimate the threshold amounts of any drug producing obvious behavioral changes irrespective of the route of administration.