Rotaviruses are the most frequent etiologic agents of severe diarrheal diseases in children. They often demand hospitalization and parenteral rehydration.
Rotaviral infections are markedly underreported in the Czech Republic, only 3485 cases were reported in the official reporting system EPIDAT in the year 2007. Children between 6-23 months are the most affected group.
There are enormous differences in diagnostic between regions of the Czech Republic. Seasonality with the peak in cold months of the year is typical.
Rotaviruses are highly contagious, only 10 viral particles are sufficient for infection. They are transmitted fecalorally or by airborne.
Febrile gastroenteritis is a typical clinical picture, latex agglutination, imunochromatography and ELISA are the most frequently used diagnostic methods. Rotaviral infections became a disease with possibility of vaccination in the year 2006 in Europe.
Vaccines Rotarix and Rota Teq were licensured in 2007 in the Czech Republic. Both vaccines are safe, effective and easily administered.