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Anticipated costs on treatment of diabetes mellitus and its late complications in CR - preliminary study

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


The cost of one-year treatment of diabetes type 1 as well as diabetes type 2 in Czech Republic in 2002 is assessed in this article. An estimated cost of treatment of late diabetes complications is also presented.

This is an inicial study, which aim is to make an economic model of diabetes treatment. Direct medical charges were estimated only.

We have assessed cost of following diabetes treatment methods: diet, PAD, PAD + insulin, insulin. The cost of following late diabetes complications was estimated: diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic food, amputation, blindness, transplantation, and hemodialysis.

The cost of diabetic neuropathy and macrovascular complications has also been calculated. We have assumed that everybody is treated according to standards for diabetes treatment.

The cost of each recommended medical discharge according to price scale was counted to the total cost. The databasis AISLP has been used for calculation the cost of medication.

Number of patients with separate types of diabetes treatment and number of patients with diabetic complication has been founded in the Institute of medical information and statistics. One-year cost of diabetes treatment was evaluated at 8.35 miliards Czech Crown.

One year cost of diabetic complications was evaluated at 5.164 miliards Czech Crowns.