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Aortal coarctation as a reason of upper leg pain

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


The case history of young women suffering from type 1 diabetes mellitus presents late diagnosis of abdominal aortae closure. The diagnosis was performed almost 20 years after problems were first announced.

The patient is treated for type 1 diabetes from its 8 years. She was complaining about lower leg pain while running, walking from her 10 years.

The special neurologic, revmatology examinations were collected. Diabetes was charged of presented painfulness.

Patient consecutively got used to having such type of moving problems, no additional complaining. 25 years later regulary preventive angiology examination was performed with surprising result. Tight coarctation abdominal aortae was found just after renal vessels cession.

Presented case shows the fact, that not only diabetes is the primary reason for every diabetic problem. Entire differential diagnostic discretion should be implemented.