The number of patients with skin and mucous membrance manifestation on the genital increases in out-patients´ departaments. The rea son is decreasing age limit of the beginning of sexual activity among young people (before the age of 16), as well as the fear of the HIV transmission danger.
Another reason is also possibility of inception of pre-malign or malign lesions connected with sexually transmitted infections. There is a whole range of diseases that are classified as sexually transmitted infections and that are induced by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.
Differential diagnosis of diseases is extensive. The reason is that the localization considering the whole range of diseases is especially on the genital (predetermined, or within the progression and dissemination of diseases, accidental).
On the basis of clinical finding and laboratory examination, we always have to exclude classical sexual diseases (syphilis, gonorrhoea, ulcus molle, lymphogranuloma venereum, granuloma inquinale), the treatment and monitoring of which is subject to legislative regulations.