Backgrounds: Metallothionein (MT) is a low molecular protein rich in -SH groups. Transport of metal ions belongs to the main functions of this protein.
In addition, MT can be considered a scavenger of reactive oxygen species. Recently an association of MT and malignant tumors was reported, suggesting a possible role of MT as a new potential tumor marker.
Its detection could be easier and less expensive in comparison with other tumor markers. We attempted to optimize an electrochemical method detecting not only metallothionein but also the total level of thiols in human blood serum.
Methods: We analyzed human blood serum samples from patients with malignant breast tumor from FN Motol. An analysis was performed by the electrochemical method based on the Brdicka reaction.
Two different procedures were tested, DPV and DPV with AdTS technique. Results: The average level of metallothionein in human blood serum of patients with breast neoplasms was 1.78 +- 0.09 μM, but the total level of thiols was several times higher (77.92 +- 3.90 μM).
Based on the presented results, the obtained ratio between total level of thiols and metallothionein (37:1) is constant in most patients. Conclusion: We optimized the detection of both metallothionein and total thiols level in human blood serum.
The level of MT was proportional to the total thiols level