Pleural effusions are common diseases with incidence 300-500 per 100 000. Pleural effusions form when production of fluid exceeds capacity for its absorption.
Congestive heart failure, pneumonia, tumors, pulmonary embolization and liver cirrhosis are the most frequent causes of pleural effusions. Clinically suspected fluidothorax is confirmed using imaging methods.
Examination of pleural fluid and pleural biopsy are used in diagnostics. Pleural biopsies are usually taken using thoracoscopy.
Tumorous and tuberculous effusions, empyemas, hemothoraces and chylothoraces must not be missed in diagnostic process. Therapy of pleural effusions includes treatment of underlying disease and local procedures.
Local therapy is represented by insertion of chest tube or pleuroperitoneal shunt, administration of antiseptics or fibrinolytics, pleurodesis and antibiotic plombage. Decortication or thoracoplasty are useful in case of trapped lung.
Pulmonologists and thoracic surgeons take care of these patients.