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A succesfull conservative treatment of traumatic lesion of the pancreatic duct

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Second Faculty of Medicine |


50 years old man was admitted to the resuscitation unit for polytrauma after he fell from the window. Beside other injuries a traumatic lesion of the pancreas appeared and progressed into acute necrotising pancreatitis.

ERCP proved a leak of contrast medium from the pancreatic duct in the area of the pancreatic head and stent was introduced via this method. Pancreatic affection progressed and surgery was carried out.

External drainage into area around pancreas was introduced. In a further development a large volume of pancreatic juice was collected from the drainage.

Repeated ERCP discovered a non-functioning stent in pancreatic duct which was replaced by new one. After that procedure the general state improved, external drainage removed but secretion of pancreatic juice from fistula persisted.

Repeated injection of lanreotid (depot somatostatin) was introduced, secretion finished and fistula closed. Repeated ERCP after 2 months revealed a normal pancreatic duct.