The present study deals with peer conformity of adolescents in relation to their family environment and risk behavior. Data from sample of 845 pupils (aged 14 years) from urban areas collected as a part of International SAHA project were analyzed.
The "Hard to say no" scale measuring the level of general peer conformity was split into two factors using factor analysis. The factors reflect the substance abuse and the sexual components of peer conformity.
On the basis of factor scores three types of adolescents were identified: the first type with higher conformity in both components; the second type with higher sexual conformity; and the third type with lower conformity in both components. Identified types showed notable differences in parenting styles: the first type showed lower levels of warmness, involvement and consistency of parenting.
In case of this type, higher percentage of adolescents more frequently smoking, drinking alcohol and using illegal substances was found. peer conformity, peer pressure, parenting styles, risk behavior.