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Influence of crystallinity on bio- physical properties of hydroxyapatite films

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Crystalline and amorphous hydroxyapatite (HA) films were prepared by KrF pulsed laser deposition method. Influence of HA structure on biomedical properties was studied.

Crystallinity, morphology, composition, optical transmission and mechanical properties (adhesion) were measured. Biomedical properties were tested using human dermal fibroblast.

The specific proteins (vimentin, fibronectin, pankeratin, keratin 14) were visualized. The worst proliferation of fibroblasts was observed on the amorphous coating, whereas the adhesion was well comparable with other surfaces.

The level of keratinocyte differentiation on the amorphous and crystalline HA coating was the same. Results reached on physical and mechanical properties are discussed in connection with results of in vitro tests.