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Two types of CMV ocular complications in patients with HIV infection

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine |


CMV retinitis is the most serious ocular complication of AIDS. Introduction of the combination antiretroviral therapy markedly reduced the occurrence of CMV retinitis, on the other hand it brought a new ocular complication - CMV uveitis.

CMV uveitis is an immunopathological inflammatory reaction associated with the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, which is a side effect of sfully initiated cART. These two forms of CMV ocular complications differ in pathogenesis, symptomatology and therapy.

The CMV retinitis is treated with anti-CMV virostatics whereas the therapy of CMV uveitis is based on attenuation of the inflammatory reaction by administration of corticosteroids. The optimal prevention of both complications is an early initiation of cART before the CD4+ T lymphocytes drop below 200/μl.