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Biologic treatment in paediatric nephrology

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Treatment with monoclonal antibodies has shown promising results in different clinical settings. Paediatric nephrology is a challenging field of medicine, where patients with diseases with very broad pathophysiology requiring multidisciplinary approach are common.

Diseases ranging from genetic problems to immunity disorders, where the danger of kidney failure is present, are creating a demand for medications that are both highly efficient and which have minimum of side effects. In paediatric patients, whose bodies are still in development, side effect that might be negligible in adults, can potentially have devastating effects.

Monoclonal antibodies and other products of molecular engineering are enabling us to take a more targeted approach and they are paving the way to increasingly individualised treatment. In this summary we give an overview of some of the primary fields of paediatric nephrology, including renal transplantation, where usage of these preparations was tested.

Their efficacy is being discussed and one particular striking success with the eculizumab antibody in treating atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome is presented.