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Psychosocial aspects of miscellaneous dermatosis

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This article summarizes the biopsychosoical model of miscellanesous dermatosis, which states in other connections diagnostic a therapeutic procedures in dermatology and psychosocial level of dermatosis. Focuses first of all on psychosocial mechanisms, which can contribute to the formation, expression and maintenance of dermatological symptoms.

Describes some psychological factors, also reviews the psychosocial impact of skin diseases generally, the impact of stress on skin, importace of social support and comorbidity with psychiatric diseases. Biopsychosoical model of dermatosis that way first integrates psychological approach into medical treatment (diagnostics and cure) and second, emphasizes interfield cooperation with mental health specialists (clinical psychologist, psychiatrist).

This is to offer the introduction of psychological approaches in treatment of dermatosis for its better fruitfulness.