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Comparison of intestinal microflora in healthy infants and infants with allergic colitis

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Twenty-eight exclusively breast-fed healthy infants and 16 infants also exclusively breast-fed with allergic colitis (aged 85 +/- 60 and 98 +/- 58 d, respectively) were screened for differences in fecal flora. Bifidobacteria were detected in 23 healthy infants and only in 4 fecal samples of infants with allergic colitis.

All bifidobacteria-free infants possessed Gram-positive regular rods as a major group of their fecal flora. These bacteria were identified as clostridia using genus-specific FISH probe.

Infants with allergy colitis possessed significantly lower counts of bifidobacteria and total anaerobes and significantly higher counts of clostridia in their feces. In healthy infants, Bifidobacterium longum was the most frequently found species (54.5% of the samples), followed by B. adolescentis (20.0), B. breve (18.2), B. bifidum (16.4), B. dentium (10.9) and B. pseudocatenulatum (1.80).

Bifidobacterial isolates from two babies with allergic colitis were identified as B. longum, one child from patients group contained species B. dentium and one baby B. adolescentis. Our results suggest that there are significantly lower counts of bifidobacteria in infants with allergic colitis than in healthy infants.