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Computerized 3D analysis of gait objectively assesses the postoperative development of equinus deformity correction in children with cerebral palsy

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Equinus deformity is a common problem in children with cerebral palsy (CP) and significantly influences their gait. Corrective surgery at the level of gastrocnemius aponeurosis is one of the treatment options.

Computerized 3D gait analysis was used to objectify the results of the surgery and to explore the development of the ankle motion over the gait cycle. Postoperatively, the ankle and also the knee motion were normalized.

Because of the postoperative triceps surae muscle weakness the push-off phase of the gait cycle was deteriorated and did not improve until 9 months after the surgery. Prolongation of the aponeurotic part of the gastrocnemius muscle is an effective and safe way of the equinus correction in children with CP.

Computerized gait analysis is a good tool to objectively assess postoperative results of CP patients and should become part of the common care in CP patients.