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Outlook for pediatric radiology. Comparison of concepts for Czech radiology after 35 years

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


The dramatic development of medical sciences and techniques in the second half of 20th century was also closely connected with the development of Czech radiology. It was documented in the shape of explicitly elaborated concepts for the development of the branch.

From the basic document in 1968 the developmental concept was elaborated in more than 10-year periods of time. The written documents exemplify technical, personal, educational and scientific state of the branch in specific stages and its direction and position in relation to other medical branches as well as expected perspectives for the following years.

A retrospective view of the published predictions of supposed development and confrontation with results as soon as these were accomplished enable an outlook forecast for the needs of the specialized branch of pediatric radiology. Based on these results the author makes an attempt to predict main directions of thematic specialization of pediatric radiology in the next 20 years and forecast supposed material and personal needs for further development of the branch.